And no, I still can't decide who she should be with......
Picking up from where we left off...Jun-pyo beats the crap out of Ga-eul's "boyfriend" for no apparent reason. Instead of asking him why he hit the dude, or instead of him explaining why he hit the dude, Jan-di just gets mad at Jun-pyo and assumes he hit him for no reason. That's pretty dumb, if you ask me, especially since I figured out why he did it long before the show tells us why. Dude was a reject from the moment he showed up, I was not surprised he was a player.
However, a few scenes later, when the girls find out, and Jan-di decides to kick his ass in one of her famous spin kicks...
There is a certain satisfaction on gets when watching that. The dude totally deserved a girl whoopin' his butt for being a dick. THEN, to top it all off, my boy Yi-jung dresses her up, takes her out, and plays the cheesiest saxophone scene ever- but in the end it's worth it because that dude totally looks like a fool. Well played, Yi-jung, well played.
Then. Finally. After a bit we get....THE FIRST KISSOMGOMG. I thought they did it very well. They kept teasing us with it and drawing it out and drawing it out and then they didn't wait too long to actually give us the satisfaction of seeing the two finally, FINALLY, kiss. A typical, sweet, short Korean drama kiss.
It was great. I think I have to give kudos to the director of this show. I think that person really knows what they are doing, how to visually hook the audience, along with how to pace the show so that it isn't too long or short at any one point.
I took a few notes so that I would remember the episode 10 I was still wondering who Jan-di was going to end up with. Heck, by episode 17 I'm still not 100% sure. Also, this seems to be the episode where Yi-jung breaks my poor girl Ga-eul's heart, showing up at his house with two chicks on his arms and being all charming and reminding her they were just acting. Boy is he going to be surprised when he realizes how much he's into her. And yes, here I go getting more invested in the side romance than the main romance. It's a habit of mine.
Next topic, "the witch." Jun-pyo's omma. I want to say that I get her point, if we lived in the 1400's when status mattered that much. Now-a-days, I would think even in Korea, you can't sell your kids to be married to the highest bidder. I think even back then that applied mostly to royalty, right? I can see her thinking the family is "unsuitable" because they are poor, but when she found out that Jan-di wasn't after her son for money, you'd think she'd be ok, right? Well, then we would have the rest of the show, so I guess que sera sera, and now we have a bad guy to all hate together.
And don't tell me you didn't smile when Jan-di's mom poured salt on that woman's head. You know you did.
Okay, the next big thing that happens in the introduction of the model guy, Jae-ha. So first of all, when she walked into that "Enjoy Entertainment" room and saw all the pink stuff, the bed, the curtains, all of it....who in their right mind wouldn't turn and just leave the building? It looks like rape central the moment she pops the door open. You can't tell me the girl is that stupid. And I'm not 100% sure, but I think that was all set up by Jun-pyo's momma to get the girl away from her son. She sets up an almost rape so this dude can save her and be her new boyfriend? That's pretty black hearted, even for an evil billionaire witch.
This of course leads to a whole mess of things, including a photo shoot where Jan-di ends up on the COVER of a magazine that is mysteriously published the next day.
And everyone hates her for it. So, she's modeling with some dude, and now she's cheating on Jun-pyo just like that? For realisies people? Who would even believe that? But for the story, I go along with it. It all turns out that this is just a plot device so that Jun-pyo can "sacrifice" his life for her (along with getting the snot kicked out of him) and then she can hurt her shoulder.
Then, of course, we find out that not only is F4 hot as hell, they are super heroes! They jump in and beat the crap out of the kidnappers (who cares where they came from? They probably followed Jun-pyo ok! They wanted to wait until he was good and bloody before they rescued him!) and save the day. Yey for F4!
Okay, so far I have suspended a lot of my disbelief for the sake of entertainment. This show does test my limits on this, but it hasn't quite broken them yet. And the drama totally makes up for the plot devices. I swear. Watch it, you'll get sucked in too!
So then, it's all of a sudden 6 months later and Jan-di hasn't heard anything from Jun-pyo in a looooooong time. Never you mind that his last text says "Wait for me, I love you" or something exactly like that. That's not going to be important in about 2 minutes.
F4 help her make money by selling porridge (you have to watch it to make that make sense) and she flies off to Macau, which I recognize as China because I can totally tell when people are speaking Chinese now after watching It Started With a Kiss. Anyway...she's dumb and gets saved by the girl that, at this point, I already know is going to end up being Jun-pyo's fiance. I know it. And I've only just met her. But I have figured this out. Why? Because, 1) she was at his hotel, 2) Jan-di likes her and I like her, 3) What is the only other thing they can throw in the way of this love? Another chick.
Now, let's cut ahead a little. Jan-di and Jun-pyo's eyes meet at the bar at his hotel. He sees her, looks surprised, then coldly looks away like he doesn't know who she is. My heart sank! I mean, I really felt upset and like I wanted to cry. WTF dude? Let me stalk over there and slam my phone with your last text message in your face. Why are you snuggly with this girl when you CLEARLY told me to wait for you? If you weren't going to wait for me, then frickin' at least send a text saying "NEVERMIND, HAHA." What a tool!
Anyway, moving a little forward, I think that is absolutely hilarious that the 3 F4 guys show up in the middle of a back alley way RIGHT where Jan-di is about to be kidnapped, in the middle of a huge city, just in time to kick the snot out of those bad guys and save the day. I told you they were super heroes, did I not? I mean, who wouldn't be afraid to be beat up by these guys:
So, to sum up some of my thoughts on these middle episodes...I don't think he should have lied to her. I never think that's a good way to go about it. First of all, the acting on the bridge, when he told her she was a "stain he wanted to erase" and all that, was phenomenal. She went through the perfect range of emotions. He was right on target with making me want to punch his face. I have to give credit to them as actors. This was totally me:
However, if this was real life and not a drama, he should have told her. He should have been like, look...I like you, I might even love you, but my mom won't let this go. So, lets just wait it out, or go our separate ways, but I don't want to be a total dick and ignore you all the time because we were at least friends.
But of course, NO, he breaks her heart, another moment where she should have shoved that text message in his face and been like, "look here, ass, where you told me to wait...I've been waiting. You never told me to stop waiting. A little heads up would have been nice." And yes, he was doing it to placate mommy-dearest but that doesn't hold up with me. She wasn't listening to their conversation. He could have said what he should have said to begin with. I thought for realsies he was done with her...which the rest of the show has now correct my incorrect assumption. But still, he will always be a dick in my book for treating her that way, no matter the reason.
And then I have to say YEY because Ji-hoo finally cut his damn hair! I mean, it's still long and dumb looking, but it's shorter than it was! Happy dance! Let me say, he was my favorite since the beginning, he grows to be my favorite more and more during the show. Yet Korean dramas never let the nice guy finish first. If she marries Jun-pyo, she will have the passion, both with love and fighting, and it will be a tiring ride...though it may be worth it for those two. If she ends up woth Ji-hoo, however, she will be treated like a princess and always be taken care of in the sweetest way possible. It may not be a roller coaster of emotions, but who can live that way forever? Ji-hoo is by far the superior choice in my book, but my choice never wins out in these shows. That's ok, just means I get a chance at marrying my favorite one, right? Right?
Okay then. I am not going to talk about the topic of the fiance. Why? Because it's all manufactured and 100% by the book of K-dramas. I wish it wasn't in the story. I understand why it's in the story, it doesn't make me like it. I get it. I do. But we'll pretend it doesn't happen, because I don't personally care for it. It's wrapping up now on the episodes I'm watching, so it's nothing of consequence.
What I do want to talk about is Yi-jung and Ga-eul. OMG they faked me out with their fake date. I was so excited when they were going then he's like "it's just acting," and I was like
Nooooo acting! Ugh! It's drawing it out, which makes me love it more, especially since I know it's going to happen, it's just a matter of WHEN? Currently, he is all sad that his dad's a player, so he got drunk and beat up and his hand stepped I am on pins and needles waiting to see how THAT turns out. Can he still work on pottery? I mean, what a weird thing to ask but it's like a life or death situation for him. Can he?! Will Ga-eul nurse him back to full hand health? Will he fall back in love with that first girl who randomly is now in the story? When will he ever realize his true feelings for that poor girl? Sigh, I can't wait for that story to play out.
So, yeah, I have a few episodes left. I will finish them tonight, I'm close enough that I'm pretty sure I won't be able to stop until I'm done. I'll post my closing thoughts then...hopefully there will be something different between now and then but I make no guarantees!
And I can't decide who is hotter
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I love him with dark hair and smiling |
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Who am I kidding? He's my fav. |
Sigh. What drama should I watch next? I have many on my Dramafever account...if you find this page and have suggestions, please comment below. I would love to get some ideas. Meanwhile, GO WATCH THIS SHOW if you haven't. If you have, watch it again! It's pretty fantab.
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