Not to say it's bad!! I am enjoying watching it, there is just nothing compelling me to watch the next episode in the series. It isn't one that is making me sit down and watch it every night for five hours in a row. There is nothing that is making me fall absolutely in love with it. I like it, I just don't love it. Does that make sense?
My favorite things about this series by far are the three guys who came with the prince forward in time. They are not on screen nearly enough. It gets a little better as the show goes on, but those three are the highlight. I love all three of them, they are equally funny and sweet, and when they talk about their families they bring a tear to your eye. They are making the show much more enjoyable for me.
Not that the main two are bad actors. Anyone who knows me, knows that one of my first K-Pop crushes was Park Yoochun (Get Out is still one of my top all time favorite videos), and he all sorts of adorbs when he cuts his hair in this show. I think he's great actor, I can see the old school prince act and him trying to make himself modern but years of ingrained social graces making it difficult for him. I love him.
And Park Ha is a great character. I love her spunk and her attitude and her sweetness; the actress that plays her is very pretty and I think does an excellent job. It's not that anyone is bad...there just isn't a whole lot that is...special...?
More after the jump
I have been taking notes during episodes, like I did during BOF, because my memory is a mess. In general, without spoilers, evil sister is super-duper evil and just needs to go away. I seriously can't stand her. The actress that plays her is drop dead beautiful, but her personality is just so ugly that it drives me nuts. How bad of a human being does she have to be before someone will call her on her bullshit? She's mean to her mom, her sister, her boyfriend...she is just terrible. I can't stand her.
The murderer cousin isn't much better. There is nothing likable about the character except how much he likes the sister, Hong Se-na. And his father (who is actor who plays Jan-di's father in BOF if you didn't already figure that out) is a twat as well. So many people to not like.
But these boys, with their hair cuts:
They are so adorable I'm not sure whether to hug them or squeeze their cheeks in delight. I was so glad they cut their hair, though the scene where they had to do it make me tear up a little. They really, really, really didn't want to, and I understood why, but in the end, it was a good choice.
Here are some questions I have about K-dramas in general...
- Why do bus drivers never wait for the guy/girl running after the bus? You know they see them in the side-view mirror. They obviously need to catch the bus. But the drivers never it forbidden?
- There is always a parking spot where needed. You can also park on the side of any road in Korea, in the lane closest to the sidewalk, without getting hit by a car. Is this true irl?
- Is appendicitis really a popular thing that happens to everyone in Korea? Because I've never been around when someone got it...and no one in my family or friends circle has had it while I've known them. But someone gets it EVERY OTHER drama I watch!
- Do they not teach people to look both ways before crossing the street? People are always running out in traffic!
- Do they not teach drivers to slow down at intersections where people might be? People are always hitting other people with their cars! Don't they know where the breaks are?
Just some things that I think about often.
On to the spoilers!
So, there was a karaoke scene, where the three boys were trying to impress their new boss....yea that was hilarious. Those three are so fantab, I can't say enough about them. Later on, when that guy calls them poop nuggets, I about pee'd my pants. Poop nuggets! Perfect!
At some point, I think from the beginning, but even some of the more recent episodes, I've been wondering if past Park-ha wasn't the one who poisoned her sister. My guess is that it was maybe her or the past incarnation of the Murderer Tae-mu (hereforetohence called MTM). We haven't seen a past incarnation of MTM but I bet we will see one at some point. And I can't guarantee that he won't be the one who killed the princess of selfishness. I think they are hinting strong at the sister being the killer, which probably means she won't be, but I am curious to find out who it will be in the end.
I don't know what's up with Selfish Se-na (now known as SSN) not being good enough for MTM but being a good catch for Tae-yong? For realisies? After the dad figured out that g'ma was trying to set SSN up with her grandson, he should have been like, "No wait, she's banging my son," so he could one up her. Instead, he gets into this pissing contest with the bitch that leads to her being engaged to Tae-yong immediately. I mean, I know...plot...but the dad is being over ridiculous about this. I really want her to be with MTM because, let's face it, they deserve each other amirite?
Literally, most of my notes are about what an evil wench SSN is. She is terrible! If she hadn't ripped up the $40k check in the first place, her sister would be running a store and out of her hair. She brought all this crap on herself, dumb bint. AND the old school her was a manipulative wench as well, because she didn't even make the stupid handkerchief with the butterfly, her sister did! So both versions of her suck. That's all I'm saying.
Episode 10 was a pretty big deal episode. SSN tries to go on that date with Tae-yong, and they almost get on the cable car (look for Jun-pyo and Jan-di's scribbles about their first night together!) but at the last moment...HA...he leaves her for Park-ha. Because Park-ha > SSN by far. And the basketball game was totally awesome. I love Yong-sool's crush on Park-ha, it's so cute. He does a great job with that part; I adore Choi Woo-shik (Mr. Yellow), but Jung Suk-won (Mr. Blue) is bringing it to the table with his part. He's great.
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Yuh-huh. Looking good Jung Suk-won |
This is also where Park-ha finds out that Tae-yong needs to marry her sister to go back to his actual time; why he thinks that is still beyond me but I'm going with it for now. The thing is, even if he figures it all out and it all goes back to's going to be a sad ending, right? I am telling you, I can't figure out how they are going to end this thing to make everyone satisfied. People are going to have to come back to life or not go back to their own time or go away from their own time or something. That is one thing keeping me is it going to end?
And then the end of this episode where she sends the text that says "I like you. I love you" on accident. Woops, who hasn't been there? Yet, episode 11 he pretends he didn't see it so she won't be embarrassed. Oooh, how sweet! He is sweet. I feel he is conflicted as well, because he really likes Park-ha but he needed to get his peeps back to Joseon times, which, in the end, is more important, even though we all don't want it to be.
Episode 11 has our obligatory appendicitis hospitalization and our second WRIST GRAB OF FATE. AND someone finally called MTM on being a murderer. Good for you Tae-yong, it's about time we call a spade a spade.
The main point of this episode, however, was the fire. And what poor maintenance we have at our warehouse in order for it to go up in flames like that, but let's move on. Oh, and let's say that Tae-yong could get a phone call from his meeting, which is who knows how far away, and get to the scene before the fire department, even though that sounds ridiculous, we'll let it slide. And even though they were all holding Man-bo back from going in after Park-ha, no one tried to stop the CHAIRMAN's GRANDSON from going in after her. And the fact that she didn't die from smoke inhalation before they even opened the door. Let's just forget all these foolish facts that take away from our drama fun.
We know the only reason for the whole thing was two-fold. ONE- we had to have Tae-yong rescue her. He has to be a knight in shining armor for her, and he has to run away from SSN in order to do it. That was important. TWO- we had to cover her face with a handkerchief of some fashion so he could figure out she is the reincarnation of his sister-in-law. Conveniently! the special handkerchief fell on her face just right to give us that impression. So now he knows...what will he do with that knowledge?
That is where I am at now. I am interested in the story and what the ending will be. Do I have high hopes for the ending? Heck no! The ending will probably suck, as most Korean drama endings do. But they have to go somewhere with all this. What will they do? Who will be the ultimate murderer? (besides MTM). And will SSN get what she deserves? Or will she have an overall satisfactory life that she doesn't earn?
We shall see...
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